Amend the number of chart 61T “Ølveskysten fra Hamarhaugflua til Støaneset med Hyttevågen” to 61G.
See also: Publication Numbering Scheme
Amend the number of chart 61T “Ølveskysten fra Hamarhaugflua til Støaneset med Hyttevågen” to 61G.
See also: Publication Numbering Scheme
Insert Fl.R.3s 8m 5M (symbols P10.4, P11.2, P13 and P14; single-flashing, red, light 8 m above datum, range 5 M) in position
and delete Kvamsøy close by:
60° 21.74′ N, 006° 16.94′ E, (Kvamsøy SE)
Insert Fl.G.3s 8m 5M (symbols P10.4, P11.3, P13 and P14; single-flashing, red, light 8 m above datum, range 5 M) in position:
60° 22.23′ N, 006° 21.17′ E, (Samlaneset)
Source: Efs 13/14 (51505 * / Tracing, 51507 * / Tracing, 51517 * / Tracing), Kartverket Norway / Kystverket Vest, 26 June 2014
Insert F.R 3M (symbols P10.1, 11.2 and P14; fixed, red, range 3 M) in position:
60° 03.87′ N, 005° 55.34′ E, (Gjermundshamn NE)
Source: Efs 11/14 (51382 *), Kartverket Norway /
Kystverket Vest, 4 June 2014
Remark: Tracing available.
Insert rotating-pattern VHF radiobeacon (DVOR) NAUHEIM 113.75 VFM (symbol S12 Aero, named “NAUHEIM”, transmitting its identifier “VFM” on 113.75 MHz) in position:
49° 57.71′ N, 008° 28.27′ E
Note: NAUHEIM VOR is a low power beacon used for SIDs at low altitude. Its range is very limited.
Insert non-directional radiobeacon (NDB) COSME 368 TP (symbol S16, named “COSME”, transmitting its identifier “TP” on 368 kHz) in position:
28° 05.12′ N, 082° 31.58′ W
Note: COSME NDB is a low power compass locator outer marker (LOM) used as final approach fix in the ILS / LOC RWY 19L terminal approach procedures. Additionally it is used as the missed approach fix for the RNAV (GPS) RWY 1R procedure. Its position makes it useful for staying clear of class Bravo airspace when flying VFR. The IFR procedures prescribe crossing COSME NDB at 2000 ft MSL or higher while the class Bravo floor is at 1200 ft.
Remark: Final approach fix POMSE (19L RNAV) is located approximately 130 m NNE of COSME NDB. The bearing from final approach fix JMBOB (19R) to COSME NDB is approximately 102° true.
Corrections to the following charts and publications will no longer be promulgated through NM. Pub. 3T is updated accordingly.
Remark: The intention is to have Arne’s Notices to Mariners focus on navigational charts. Other updates may or may not be included as appropriate.
Ändere die Nummer der Karte 12T „Tiefenverhältnisse am Südufer der Brucher Talsperre“ auf 12B.
Hinweis: Das Suffix T designiert eine vorläufige Ausgabe („tractandum“). Nach wie vor ist eine Navigationskarte 12 geplant; diese soll jedoch nicht wie ursprünglich vorgesehen die Karte 12T ersetzen, sondern diese ergänzen. Für die Existenz beider Karten parallel ist daher das Suffix T nicht mehr angemessen; statt dessen verwenden wir das neue Suffix B, das die bathymetrische Ausgabe einer Karte kennzeichnet.
Siehe auch: Publication Numbering Scheme
Insert between positions:
59° 53.16′ N, 005° 46.30′ E (Langgota)
59° 53.55′ N, 005° 45.69′ E
59° 53.63′ N, 005° 45.05′ E
59° 53.59′ N, 005° 43.03′ E
59° 53.63′ N, 005° 42.57′ E
59° 54.16′ N, 005° 40.81′ E (Seløysundet S)
59° 54.39′ N, 005° 40.59′ E (Hestholmen W)
59° 54.56′ N, 005° 40.60′ E
59° 54.78′ N, 005° 40.27′ E
59° 54.92′ N, 005° 40.23′ E (Flatøya W)
59° 55.28′ N, 005° 40.54′ E
59° 55.75′ N, 005° 40.17′ E (Seløysundet N)
59° 55.83′ N, 005° 39.86′ E
59° 55.81′ N, 005° 39.33′ E
59° 55.69′ N, 005° 38.51′ E
59° 55.63′ N, 005° 38.43′ E (Nyborg)
Source: Efs 24/13 (49643 *), Kartverket Norway / Telenor Norge AS, 10 December 2013
Insert a bridge, vertical clearance 55 m (symbol D22), connecting positions:
60° 28.42′ N, 006° 50.17′ E
60° 29.01′ N, 006° 49.46′ E
Source: Efs 17/13 (48837 *), Kartverket Norway, Stavanger, 15 September 2013
See also:
Insert in positions and delete
close by:
60° 12.258′ N, 005° 35.864′ E
60° 12.268′ N, 005° 35.776′ E
Source: Efs 11/13 (47679 *, 47685 *), Kartverket Norway, Stavanger, 15 June 2013