Count of Digits
- One digit: general nautical publications
- Two digits: regular charts and maps
- Three digits: reserved
- Four digits (with suffix J): job number made public
The first digit of a three-digit number used to be a modifier prefix to a chart number given in the last two digits. For example, 731 would have identified a version of chart 31 that has restricted circulation because of different content.
Number Series
- 1_ – Brucher Talsperre (nautical charts)
- 3_ – SKGB
- 4_ – Norway
- 6_ – Ølve (nautical charts)
- 8_ – Marienheide
Suffixes in Use
- B – bathymetric chart
- G – reproduction of official chart [“government”]
- J – Job (in lieu of an official publication number; formerly prefix 8xx)
- R – restricted circulation (formerly prefix 7xx)
- T – preliminary / draft edition [“temporary” / “tractandum”]
- V – outline map [“Leerkarte” / “konturkart” / “vacuus”] (outgoing)
This is just an excerpt of the entire list of suffixes prepared by the publisher. These are the ones that are in use.