2022-9. * Husavågen: Overhead cables

Insert overhead power cable with safe vertical clearance (symbol D26.2) 3 m (symbol D26.2; safe vertical clearance) connecting positions (a) and (b):
60° 00.677′ N, 5° 48.785′ E, (a)
60° 00.652′ N, 5° 48.825′ E, (b)

Delete 3 overhead cables (symbol D26) close by at position:
60° 00.68′ N, 5° 48.83′ E

2021-45. * Onarheimsfjorden: Hamarhaugflu light sectors

Insert sector limit 318° and amend colour of new sector 303°–318° to red.

Amend colour of sector 285°–291° to green.

Insert sector limit 4.5° and delete sector limit 7° close by.

Remark: Light character and remaining sectors unchanged; see enclosed sketch of the new sector configuration. New sector limit 4.5° intersects the southern neatline of chart 61 at 4° 59.90′ W of Oslo.

60° 00.08′ N, 4° 59.63′ W of Oslo (NGO48, chart 61)
60° 00.12′ N, 5° 43.48′ E of Greenwich (WGS84, chart 61G)

[Sketch for NM 2021-45]

Source: Kystinfo, navigasjonsinstallasjoner fra Nautisk fagsystem / Norsk Fyrliste (145200), Kystverket, 6 December 2021

2021-26. Husavågen: Submarine cable

Insert submarine cable (symbol L30.1) between positions:
59° 59.92′ N, 4° 55.37′ W of Oslo (Traavik)
59° 59.89′ N, 4° 55.28′ W of Oslo
59° 59.88′ N, 4° 54.40′ W of Oslo (Grönnevika)

Move recommended anchorage (symbol N10) from 59° 59.86′ N, 4° 54.97′ W to:
59° 59.75′ N, 4° 54.97′ W of Oslo

Cancel NM 2021-8 (T).

Sources: Efs 09/21 (64548 *) and chart NO4F1011, Kartverket Norway, Stavanger, 12 May 2021

2021-14. * Husavågen: Overhead cables

Delete overhead cables (symbol D26) in positions (a) and (b):
59° 59.8′ N, 004° 55.5′ W of Oslo, (a, clearance 6.5 m)
60° 01.0′ N, 004° 53.2′ W of Oslo, (b, clearance 10 m)

Remark: The overhead cable with clearance 9 m close by (b) remains unchanged.