Insert sector limit 318° and amend colour of new sector 303°–318° to red.
Amend colour of sector 285°–291° to green.
Insert sector limit 4.5° and delete sector limit 7° close by.
Remark: Light character and remaining sectors unchanged; see enclosed sketch of the new sector configuration. New sector limit 4.5° intersects the southern neatline of chart 61 at 4° 59.90′ W of Oslo.
60° 00.08′ N, 4° 59.63′ W of Oslo (NGO48, chart 61)
60° 00.12′ N, 5° 43.48′ E of Greenwich (WGS84, chart 61G)
Source: Kystinfo, navigasjonsinstallasjoner fra Nautisk fagsystem / Norsk Fyrliste (145200), Kystverket, 6 December 2021