Insert F.R 3M (symbols P10.1, 11.2 and P14; fixed, red, range 3 M) in position:
60° 03.87′ N, 005° 55.34′ E, (Gjermundshamn NE)
Source: Efs 11/14 (51382 *), Kartverket Norway /
Kystverket Vest, 4 June 2014
Remark: Tracing available.
Insert F.R 3M (symbols P10.1, 11.2 and P14; fixed, red, range 3 M) in position:
60° 03.87′ N, 005° 55.34′ E, (Gjermundshamn NE)
Source: Efs 11/14 (51382 *), Kartverket Norway /
Kystverket Vest, 4 June 2014
Remark: Tracing available.
Insert rotating-pattern VHF radiobeacon (DVOR) NAUHEIM 113.75 VFM (symbol S12 Aero, named “NAUHEIM”, transmitting its identifier “VFM” on 113.75 MHz) in position:
49° 57.71′ N, 008° 28.27′ E
Note: NAUHEIM VOR is a low power beacon used for SIDs at low altitude. Its range is very limited.
Insert non-directional radiobeacon (NDB) COSME 368 TP (symbol S16, named “COSME”, transmitting its identifier “TP” on 368 kHz) in position:
28° 05.12′ N, 082° 31.58′ W
Note: COSME NDB is a low power compass locator outer marker (LOM) used as final approach fix in the ILS / LOC RWY 19L terminal approach procedures. Additionally it is used as the missed approach fix for the RNAV (GPS) RWY 1R procedure. Its position makes it useful for staying clear of class Bravo airspace when flying VFR. The IFR procedures prescribe crossing COSME NDB at 2000 ft MSL or higher while the class Bravo floor is at 1200 ft.
Remark: Final approach fix POMSE (19L RNAV) is located approximately 130 m NNE of COSME NDB. The bearing from final approach fix JMBOB (19R) to COSME NDB is approximately 102° true.
Ändere die Nummer der Karte 12T „Tiefenverhältnisse am Südufer der Brucher Talsperre“ auf 12B.
Hinweis: Das Suffix T designiert eine vorläufige Ausgabe („tractandum“). Nach wie vor ist eine Navigationskarte 12 geplant; diese soll jedoch nicht wie ursprünglich vorgesehen die Karte 12T ersetzen, sondern diese ergänzen. Für die Existenz beider Karten parallel ist daher das Suffix T nicht mehr angemessen; statt dessen verwenden wir das neue Suffix B, das die bathymetrische Ausgabe einer Karte kennzeichnet.
Siehe auch: Publication Numbering Scheme
Amend sector limits at Hamarhaugflu light as follows:
006.9°–012.9°, G, amend to: 006.9°–016.6°
012.9°–039.8°, W, amend to: 016.6°–039.8°
Position: 60° 00.12′ N, 005° 43.49′ E
Remark: Light character and other sectors unchanged. New sector limit 16.6° passes 185 m 460 m W of Fjæreflu beacon.
Source: Efs 04/13 (46441 *), Kartverket Norway, Stavanger, 28 February 2013 / Norsk Fyrliste (145200), Bergen, 13 May 2013
See also: Kystinfo Navigajonsinstallasjoner, Kystverket Norway
Due to winter conditions floating aids to navigation might be withdrawn, damaged or moved from charted positions. AIS and Racon might be removed from buoys. Lights and beacons might be covered with snow and ice. Mariners are advised to navigate with great caution.
Travelling on fast ice on foot, by vehicles or by any other means may be dangerous as ice strength can vary greatly. Travelling on frozen reservoirs is particularly dangerous because changing water levels may weaken the ice and create voids hidden beneath the ice. Travellers are strongly advised not to travel alone and to confirm ice conditions locally.
More information specifically for the Oberberg and Hordaland areas, with information on safe conduct in case of emergencies:
Ein Nachdruck der Karte 31V ist verfügbar mit kleinen Berichtigungen bis einschließlich 12. Januar 2013. Eingearbeitet sind: NM 188, 191.
Streiche im Titel der Karte 31V das Wort „Leerkarte“. Der neue Titel der Karte lautet „Steganlage“.
Effective 1 January 2013, the Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) will narrow the focus of its publishing of printed nautical publications to the most important continental European harbour approaches in the North and Baltic Sea. The resulting withdrawal of nautical charts and sailing directions is based on an in-depth study of demand for these products and of the economics of their production.
The BSH will cancel its nautical publications covering the sea areas in the Gulf of Bothnia (14 and 15), off the east coast of the United Kingdom (22 and 23), the UK and French Channel coast (25) as well as the south coast of Norway (24), and will discontinue its correction service for official UK publications in the areas affected. Selected plotting sheets and small-scale general, planning, and fishery boundary charts covering the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean will also be cancelled.
The following BSH charts are cancelled effective 1 January 2013:
sea area 14 (Sea of Bothnia):
DE 173 (INT 1207), DE 241, DE 1317, DE 1319 (INT 1139)
sea area 15 (Bay of Bothnia), all charts:
DE 176, DE 177, DE 242, DE 1322, DE 1323, DE 1327, DE 1328 (INT 1150), DE 1335 (INT 1175)
sea area 20 (North Atlantic Ocean):
DE 249 (INT 160), DE 1000 (INT 1041)
sea area 22 (east coast of Britain), all charts:
DE 192, DE 193 (INT 1510), DE 194 (INT 1570), DE 195 (INT 1573), DE 196 (INT 1511), DE 197 (INT 1563), DE 198 (INT 1562), DE 199 (INT 1572), DE 200 (INT 1574), DE 201 (INT 1560), DE 202 (INT 1509), DE 203 (INT 1558), DE 204 (INT 1508), DE 205 (INT 1556), DE 213 (INT 1559)
sea area 23 (east coast of Britain), all charts:
DE 217 (INT 1507), DE 218 (INT 1552), DE 220 (INT 1551), DE 221 (INT 1506), DE 222 (INT 1550), DE 224 (INT 1547), DE 225 (INT 1505), DE 226 (INT 1544), DE 227 (INT 1546), DE 228 (INT 1543), DE 229 (INT 1504), DE 230 (INT 1542), DE 231, DE 232 (INT 1503), DE 233, DE 234 (INT 1601), DE 235, DE 236, DE 284, DE 1471, DE 1472, DE 1473, DE 1474, DE 1476
sea area 24 (south coast of Norway), all charts:
DE 473, DE 753, DE 756, DE 757, DE 758, DE 759, DE 760, DE 761, DE 762, DE 763, DE 764, DE 765, DE 766, DE 767, DE 768
sea area 25 (English Channel), all charts:
DE 66 (INT 1071), DE 67 (INT 1072), DE 245 (INT 1512), DE 248 (INT 1482), DE 250 (INT 1564), DE 260 (INT 1731), DE 261 (INT 1704), DE 262 (INT 1703), DE 263 (INT 1730), DE 264 (INT 1729), DE 265 (INT 1733), DE 266 (INT 1705), DE 267, DE 268 (INT 1753), DE 269 (INT 1702), DE 270 (INT 1726), DE 271 (INT 1725), DE 273 (INT 1701), DE 274 (INT 1722), DE 275 (INT 1719), DE 276 (INT 1700), DE 277 (INT 1708), DE 278 (INT 1706), DE 279 (INT 1707), DE 280 (INT 1800), DE 281, DE 282 (INT 1831), DE 283, DE 285, DE 314 (INT 1743), DE 1030 (INT 1751), DE 1036, DE 1037, DE 1038, DE 1039, DE 1040, DE 1041 (INT 1754)
all great circle charts:
DE 2700, DE 2701, DE 2702, DE 2703, DE 2704
plotting sheets and other charts:
Karten DE 2557, DE 2558, DE 2603, DE 2812, DE 2813, DE 2820, DE 2830, DE 2831, DE 2832, DE 2833, DE 2834, DE 2835
all fishery boundary charts:
DE 385, DE 959 (INT 113), DE 960 (INT 112), DE 961, DE 962
The small-scale charts of the international series INT 112 (DE 960) and INT 113 (DE 959) were taken over by Landhelgisgæsla Íslands as IS 10 (INT 112) and by Kartverket Norway as NO 315 (INT 113), respectively.
The single remaining chart DE 207 of sea area 25 will be shifted to sea area 22, chart DE 63 of sea area 24 will be shifted to sea area 21 and chart DE 755 of sea area 24 will be shifted to sea area 17.
Work on unpublished new chart DE 286 „Ansteuerung von Brest“ is cancelled.
The following BSH sailing directions (pilots) are cancelled effective 1 January 2013:
Nordsee-Handbuch, westlicher Teil (DE 2008); Nordsee-Handbuch, östlicher Teil (DE 2012); Kanal-Handbuch (DE 20171); Handbuch der Ozeanwege (DE 2057)
The remaining sailing directions affected by the reduction in coverage will be updated when issued as New Editions or through NfS corrections.
Admiralty charts and publications will be considered as before for those areas still covered by BSH that suffer from insufficient coverage by official publications by BSH itself. The correction system of the Admiralty Notices to Mariners (NtM) will be adopted (including blocks) for selected publications and will be reprinted in NfS.
Note: The enclosure „List of sea areas and charts relating to them“ (List of Charts 2013) in the centre of NfS issue 39/12 shows the changes to BSH charts and those Admiralty charts for which updates will be issued through Nachrichten für Seefahrer (NfS) as reprints of Admiralty Notices to Mariners.
Source: NfS issue 39/12 (*), Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie
See also: NfS issue 51-52/12 (*), Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie
Ändere die Liegeplatznummern an der SKGB-Steganlage wie folgt:
Nummern 1–11 werden zu G1–G6
Nummern 2–12 werden zu H1–H6
Nummer 13 wird zu E0
Nummern 14–28 werden zu K0–K7
Nummer 19 wird zu E1
Nummern 23–27 werden zu E2–E4
Nummern 29–35 werden zu F4–F1
Nummern 30–42 werden zu J7–J1
Hinweis: Demnächst berichtigter Nachdruck. Siehe auch NM (P) 182.