The 1st edition of chart 61T “Ølveskysten fra Hamarhaugflua til Støaneset med Hyttevågen” bears the small corrections date 15 January 2006. Arne’s NM have now reproduced all chart updates that were previously issued by Kartverket Norway up to and including Efs 13/12. Chart 61T is therefore now revised up to and including 15 July 2012. The following is a list of all NM that need to be applied to the 1st edition of chart 61T to get it up to date.
- NM 2012-153 New Chart
- NM 2012-155 Husavågen: Overhead cable
- NM 2012-157 Onarheimsfjorden: Store Arholmen light
- NM 2012-160 Husavågen: Marine farm, ground tackles
- NM 2012-162 Onarheimsfjorden: Hamarhaugflu light
- NM 2012-164 Husavågen: Submerged rocks, iron pole
- NM 2012-169 Small corrections date (certain copies only)
Remark: Arne’s NM are not checked by a hydrographic office or any other entity. You should consider cross-checking these chart updates with your copies of the official Norwegian Efs and chart NO 22.