FPinfo 1.1 Flightplan info for Flyscripts! by Anthony Merton (c) 2001 Arne Johannessen mailto:ajohannessen@mac.com Freeware! :-) This little script displays your flight plan while flying. Now the lazy people (like myself ;-) ) don't need to write it down or even interrupt the flight anymore -- just press a key to get the heading you have to fly after reaching the next waypoint. Simple! System requirements: This script runs on any Mac or PC running Fly! with Flyscripts! 1.2.1 by Anthony Merton. I think older versions of Flyscripts can be used as well, but I've only tested it with 1.2.1 on a Mac. Installation: 1) Unless you already have Flyscripts!, go and get the latest version from the AVSIM library! 2) Download the FPinfo package and unzip it (as you're reading this, I suppose you've done this step already :-) ). 3) Move the unzipped FPinfoMac.fsc file (or FPinfoPC.fsc, depending on your system) to your Flyscripts! folder. You're done! Usage: 1) Start Fly!, set up a flight plan and -- according to the Flyscripts! manual -- save it as "fp" (the resulting file *must* be named "fp.rio"). 2) Get into your plane and activate Flyscripts! -- usually by pressing ALT F12. FPinfo is now ready. - In order to display information on the next waypoint, press ALT_= (on the US-keyboard, the = key is to the left of the backspace key). - In order to display information on the previous waypoint, press ALT_- (on the US-keyboard, the - key is to the right of the zero key). - In order to display information on the same waypoint again, press ALT_[ (on the US-keyboard, the [ key is just below the two other keys). A string like "Leg 5: WARBURG (6000ft) to MOHNE: 261° 40.7nm" (Mac: ¡ instead of °) is being displayed in the lower left corner of the screen. Troubleshooting: If you've got problems using this script, make sure that 1) Your Fly! system is patched to version 1.1.88 (SDK) 2) Flyscripts! is installed (perhaps try using version 1.2.1), 3) flyscripts.dll is inside your Modules:Mac: or Modules\PC\ folder, 4) FPinfo.fsc is inside your Flyscripts! folder, 5) you've saved your flight plan as "fp", resulting in the file name "fp.rio" (type "fp" when prompted for a file name, omitting the ".rio"), 6) you've activated Flyscripts! (usually ALT F12, consult your Flyscripts! manual). If your problem can't be solved by these tips, send me email or post your question at AVSIMs General Fly! Forum. The URL is: http://www.avsim.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi?az=list&forum=DCForumID4 Version history: 1.1: - changed redisplay key to ALT_[ for compatibility with APkeys - now there is an error message if there is no flight plan available - degree character bug fixed, there are different Mac(¡) and PC(°) versions now - speed is correctly displayed - heading is always reported using three digits 1.0: - initial release Enjoy! :-) Arne